
Know that every part of your evolution is being guided. You’re being pulled forward. Trust + surrender to the movement in your life. Even when that movement is a bunch of slow, slight turns.

The good news: you are absolutely correct about what’s to come. The future and vision you see for yourself is real, possible, and was designed specifically for you.

The other good news: you will have to wait.

I think when we begin to outgrow a place, we get uncomfortable because things seem to no longer fit.  There’s a certain type of discomfort that shows up when you feel you’ve been somewhere too long. It can make you feel like you’re in the wrong place or that something needs to be fixed.

This part of self-discovery can be hard to manage. It’s usually when I become a nervous, over thinker. Complaining about everything that’s wrong. Ferociously looking back to find the thing I missed. Comparing myself to everyone ahead of me. Regretting all the shots I missed, and even the ones I didn’t take.

Instead of gripping over the past or trying to figure out the next perfect move, I simply needed to look forward and get in motion. I needed to take small steps towards the big changes I wanted to see in my life. You can’t overhaul your life in a day. It takes time. It takes work.  It takes patience. Doing the work, your work, is the only way to get from here to there.

Here is today, the present, the right now. And there is what’s ahead, your potential realized, the expected end. Leaving you to figure out what to do with the in between. So, take a chance and move on the ideas you’ve been sitting on. Invest in yourself and use the resources you have now to make the most beautiful things you can.

Let go of the idea of perfection and fall in love with the reality of your progress. Put the hours and effort in now, for a small audience with few applauds.

As you do, allow trust to be in the background keeping you focused + consistent. Keeping you present to do the work. Keeping you in high belief that it will indeed all add up to something more. Trusting that what got here, will also get you there.

And while trusting keeps you grounded, surrendering keeps you expectant and full of gratitude. Surrendering allows you to release the stress and pressure of the how. The how is not any of our business. The how is up to God. The maneuvering, the connecting, the arranging is all up to Him.

I believe our job is to speak what we see (from our imagination), believe what we speak, and act on what we can.

Don’t just surrender to God’s timing, surrender to His direction and speed. Know that good is coming because you’re striving towards it. Choose to believe that He won’t leave you anywhere longer than you should be.

Remember, you were guided to this place. And you will be guided to the next.


